Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Celebrity Status of Room 16

I was so excited to welcome NINETEEN American celebrities into room 16 last Friday!  Yeah...I've got connections...

Harriet Tubman

Henry Ford

Johnny Appleseed

Benjamin Franklin

Johnny Appleseed

Benjamin Franklin

Meriwether Lewis

Milton Hershey

Abigail Adams

Clara Barton

Orville Wright

Davey Crockett

Wilbur Wright

Thomas Edison

Walt Disney

Thomas Edison

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Milton Hershey

All the students did a tremendous job on their presentations! I was so proud of them!

Meet our Junior Journalist!

Say hello to our 2013 Daily Journal Junior Journalist, Claire Combs!!

All the students created advertisements for Floors to Go and the owner of the company selected Claire as the winning ad!  This ad was seen in the March 7th edition of the Daily Journal!  All the students did a tremendous job on their advertisements! We have such creative and inspiring artists in room 16, it was fun to look through all the ads!

Congratulations, Claire!

Generous Donors

This year, I decided to try something I've never done before.  I had heard about Donors Choose from several other teacher friends, but hadn't tried out the website myself.  This year, I changed that.

In the fall, while talking with other 2nd grade ENRICH teachers, we discussed how we would love to use some novels to  help teach the students.  After all, their reading level was higher than average for 2nd grade, so why not push them to read more difficult text?  This is when I turned to Donors Choose.  I knew I'd never be able to afford classroom sets of all the books we were wanting to expose our children to, so I set up a couple projects...not expecting much of anything to happen.

The first project I set up was for just one classroom set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.  This is a super fun book and most of the kids have seen at least one of the movies.  To my surprise, I received a donation from a complete stranger!  Then, during a matching campaign that Donors Choose established, I was able to get the rest funded easily!  I was so excited and beginning in January, we jumped right into the new novels!!  The kids LOVED it!!
Brady, Ethan, Zach, Connor, and Sam enjoy reading about Charlie and the rest of the kids!

Grace is very consumed in the novel! :)

Jack loves Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

Isabella, Ethan, Claire, Aminata, Rocky, and Jessica working on the workbook I created to go with the novel!

Room 16 loves to READ!

Micah enjoys some reading time!

Partly through the book, students created Thank Yous to be sent to the donors of our project.  They were so excited for the novels, so I know the Thank Yous were heartfelt!

Shortly after creating this project on DonorsChoose.org, I decided to do another project...this time, a bigger one.  I was quite doubtful that this project would be funded - after all, it was over $950 total that I would need to raise!  That's quite a feat...even if it is for education!  And to make matters worse, I only had 5 months to accomplish this tremendous goal!  However, I stayed as positive as possible and sent emails and put up posts on Facebook.  Sure enough, Donors Choose created another matching campaign the week of Valentine's Day and in ONE day, I raised over $700 to COMPLETE this HUGE project!!!  I was over the moon...tears and excitement filled the Barnes' household that night!!  It was a Monday I won't ever forget!  

Shortly after completing the funds collection, I accepted the package at school...two huge boxes filled with FIVE different novels!  

The students were so pumped when I told them!  Now we have an entire cabinet full of novels just waiting to be read!  In the meantime, I had acquired some other classroom sets of novels, so now we are reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.  The students seem to be enjoying it, although it's a much shorter novel than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We will finish this one up before spring break, then once we get back, it's onto novel #3 for my super smart 2nd graders! :)  

I love looking in this cabinet...and it's even a little bare since I'm allowing another 2nd grade classroom to borrow the Charlie books and we're currently reading Tales.  
In this bad boy...we've got James and the Giant Peach, How to Eat Fried Worms, Little House in the Big Woods, Ralph S. Mouse, Superfudge, Trumpet of the Swan, and MANY others! :) :) :)

So this is my public THANK YOU!!!!  Thank you to ALL of you who so generously donated to our project!!  Know that your donation will reach HUNDREDS of students as we read these novels year after year!!! 


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Learning - OUR WAY!

Room 16 partook in an interesting project where they got to decide the rules!  Well...sort of...

Students had an opportunity to choose a topic they were interested in - they had to find a book to read and then they created a project around the topic.  The guidelines were very open and they could decide how they wanted to represent their projects.  They could use any materials they wished, but it had to be 100% created by the student.  They did such an amazing job!  Then they had to give a 3 minute presentation about their topic...I was so happy with the end result!

Check out the pictures below to see how awesome their projects turned out!!

Claire and Aminata taught us about horses.

Connor and Micah researched the Titanic.

Declan and Mitch with their Schnauzer models.

Dylan and Ethan learned about Great White Sharks.

Ethan and Brady taught us about the Titanic.

Jack and Sam made a life-size robot!!

Jarrett and David with their anaconda.

Jessica and Isabella learned all about the animals of the Amazon

Lauren and Grace presented about turtles.

Rocky and Joe with their very creative robots.

Zach and Marek learned about the Megladon.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Such a Generous Bunch!

Wow! I am absolutely blown away by the generosity of room 16!!!  After adopting a family to buy gifts for this holiday season, we were able to wrap upwards from FIFTEEN gifts for each child!  WOW!  I was getting teary-eyed as I was watching the students wrap up their gifts.  They all looked so proud to be helping out a needy family!  Definitely a proud teacher moment!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bye Bye Butterflies!

As part of our insect unit in science the past couple weeks, we had the privilege to watch ants in an ant farm and caterpillars turn into chrysalises and eventually into butterflies.  It was such an amazing transformation as we watched the caterpillars slowly make their way to the top of the container they were housed in, and eventually enfolding themselves into chrysalises as they make the phenomenal change to beautiful butterflies.  About a week and a half ago, we hung the chrysalises in the butterfly house so we could watch them emerge.  Just a couple days later, we were dazed as we watched butterflies flying around...butterflies we once knew as caterpillars!  Simply wonderful!

So you can understand my sadness when I came into school Saturday afternoon to see a couple butterflies struggling to stay afloat.  They had been flying around - and we had been feeding them flowers and sugar water - for about a week, and it was time for them to fly away.  I was hoping to wait until Tuesday so they kiddos could be there to witness it, but on Saturday morning, I was so afraid that, come Tuesday, there wouldn't be anymore alive.  Two butterflies had started losing their wings and one was flipped on its back slowly kicking his legs.  This made Mrs. Barnes sad...and I had to make the executive decision that they needed to fly on.

Fortunately, I had a helper with me and we were able to videotape the butterflies encounter with freedom.  I hope you enjoy our butterflies as they (slowly) made their way to the beautiful weather we had on Saturday morning.  We let them free in the garden so they were able to find some food right away...and they seemed very happy and grateful!

Enjoy! :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gearing Up for a GREAT Year!

I am so excited about how this year and shaping up!  The students seem so excited about the activities we have been working on and they are especially looking forward to the insect presentations tomorrow!  (So am I!!)

So far we have completed two reading test - and while I have not yet graded the reading test from today, I can say that last weeks class average was 96%!  WOW!!  96% on the FIRST reading test of the year?!  Are you kidding me!!  AMAZING!!  I am so proud of these kiddos!

Stay posted...I'm looking forward to posting some pictures this weekend of our insect presentations!!

Enjoy your LONG (planned!) weekend!!!

Mrs. B.